
Friday, June 4, 2010


Sorry for not blogging for such a long while. Sometimes in life we tend to go off tangent and emphasize the nitty gritty things and spend way too much of our precious time mulling over the unnecessary.

From where I last left off .... I managed to "try out" 2 sessions of spa at a spa centre, after much persuasion from Mrs Ong. To be honest, I went with a "suspicious" mind and when the spa representative/consultant explained the theory of how the spa works and benefits I can derive from the machine, I practically told my brain not to believe her (sorry ahem). Sensing I was drifting away from the talk, she suggested I hop into the bath tub of spiralling warm water specially prepared for me with the essential oil for my skin, namely the camomille oil.

I reluctantly accepted the offer as I did not like the idea of getting myself wet in a strange place other than my very own bathroom. They offered me a disposable towel and a shower cap and the rest was done behind closed door. Ooh la la :)

My first instinct was that the water was too hot for me cos I was told by my dermatologist that hot bath is a no no for dry skin. So I added some cold water to make the water less hot. Then I eased myself slowly into the bathtub. Ooooh! I felt the warm water caress my dry, cracked skin and I wanted to stop. But then I steeled myself, convinced that no pain, no gain .... and who dares, wins! Alamak! Am I starting to sound like a motivation speaker?

Back to the spa. After a while, I found myself alone in a bathtub of water with millions of powerful bubbles splashing all over me. It was a new sensation for me. I tried to recall what the spa consultant had told me. Relax. Let the bubbles cascade over you. Don't be afraid to try out different positions eg. face front, face back, lie on back, curl up in foetal position ... Here I was, lost in my own thoughts listening to the sound of the bubbles as they collided with each other at super speed. Later I was to find out more about infra red and how raising the body's temperature actually helps the immune system ... to be cont'd

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