
Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Precious Jewel the Immune System

I realise whenever I fall ill, my skin will start to dry and become flaky. This has to do with my immune system. As an eczema sufferer, I strongly believe that either my liver or/and kidney is/are not functioning at its optimum or probably not as efficient as a healthy person. No one is perfect right.

Once the skin is dry, the itch starts and the list goes on..itch scratch, scratch bleed, bleed weep..then I weep too..

So, what I did was read up on the internet on how to detoxify these organs. One day, when I was in PJ, I dropped by a pharmacy and got myself a Wheat Grass Powder and a bottle of Probiotics. I had been consuming the products for about 3 months but did not realise the benefits of it until I finished the products.

The products helped me with my daily excretion and the skin showed very little improvement but can be felt by myself only. It felt less dry...could that be my imagination?

And yes, during the menstruation cycle, my skin tends to be very very dry in the first 2 days or so and subsequently, it will take at least another 5 days to recover. The 2 areas which are badly affected are the outer hands and the ankles and feet. The dryness is felt throughout the body and I would walk like a hunchback as I can't bring myself to walk upright due to the tautness of the skin.

I guess my eczema has come to a stage where it is chronic. I felt warm most of the time and whenever I rush or is stressed up, I tend to have flushes and slowly but surely the eczema condition will surface. I detest air con too..strange right?? I feel that it makes my skin drier.

According to one of the dermatologists I consulted during my teenage, I recalled him mentioning that I also have a condition on my legs called lichen amyloidosys (wonder if I spell it correctly). However, with spa of 8 months, the condition on my legs have improved tremendously.

Spa enhances our immune system by increasing our body temperature. It also slough away the dead skin cells throughout my whole body which I cannot achieve by taking a normal bath.

I do not know if this happens to all eczema sufferers but I find the cells on my skin die very do I put it?? Well, even when I spa 3 times a day, I could see dead skin floating on the surface of the water. This could be due to inflammation of the skin.

It never occur to me that I want to document this condition of mine in my blog..cos it is a very private matter and most people may get disgusted by it. Nevertheless, I felt that it is better to let people understand the condition than avoid or hide it. Hopefully one day, my children can read this blog and understand why mommy acts the way she does.

I am not advocating that the spa is the ultimate and best solution to my eczema problem but it does help me wake up to another new day with zest and reduced the itch by say 40%?? It can soften the dead skin on the surface and slough it away without causing me pain. It helped me regained a lifestyle that I am thankful for..a day without itch is day of is just this simple for me.

To all eczema sufferers out there...try to recall what makes your condition worse? For me, I recall being down with heat stroke after returning from my trip to Vienna some years back and true enough, the condition worsened and nothing seemed to make it any better.

Understanding what triggered the condition can help us manage our conditon better...just pause and think..what have you been doing to yourself that may trigger the condition.

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