
Friday, November 5, 2010

Peri Menopause I am NOT

My cousin and I decided to keep each other company for our full medical check know the kind that you have your blood drawn out and private areas just feel a little terrified.

Nevertheless, we managed to keep our appointments and went through the medical without any issues.

The ONLY issue is when we received our results..we both had some health conditions. Anyway, my blood test showed that I am NOT even close to Menopause and I am puzzled.

I am experiencing Peri Menopausal symptoms and with consumption of Menopace into its 2 months 3 weeks, I have been having less hot flushes and night sweats towards the past 2 weeks. How is this possible? The doctor cannot give me an answer too but advised me to continue taking Menopace since I am getting better with it.

The other thing is I had my bones scanned to see if I have osteoporosis since I have been on steroid for a long long time since childhood. The result showed that my bone density was good - still way above average.

Our human body is so complex that sometimes Science and Technology simply cannot find the answer to the question.

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