
Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am allergic to OAT

My husband bought a can of Oat for his morning breakfast. I haven't had Oat for a long time now. So, greedy me made a huge bowl of Oat, added my favourite honey and raisins and finished every bit of it gleefully.

Within the half an hour of consuming the Oat my temperature rose and I was perspiring profusely. Then I could see red dots appearing on my face, then the trunk of my body, arms and they itch real badly - HIVES. The worst thing was my throat began to feel tight and I was hard of breathing..I thought hey..what incredible reaction my body was going through? I never had such reaction when I took Oat some years ago. Is it due to age or my immune system had gone downhill since I am past 40?

My right sense of mind prompted me to quickly take a tablet of anti-histamine. I laid down on bed and switched on the fan to full blast. I could remember the ordeal lasted about 4 long hours...the perspiration went on and on for that 4 long hours..imagine..I was real tired by then..and fell asleep.

When I awoke the Hives had left me for good..I just needed water..water..because I felt so thirsty and exhausted after the long internal battle.

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